Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Naga Basuki - Mt Agung - Eruption

    Naga Basuki the Dragon

           and the Opening of 

                  the High Doorway on Mt Agung

                        to a new era of the energy of life

                               as the Big  Shift from 

                                        Head to Heart begins.

                                                                 By David Cooper

The big shift into a new era on Earth has begun

     David has always read between the lines of a story and then puts the pieces together with other stories and wisdoms in such a way that a different and often times deeper conclusion is reached. 

     With this background he has explored the eruption of Mt Agung, the primary sacred Mountain on the Island of Bali.  Located near the top of the Mountain is the Mother Temple . . . the highest spiritual temple on the island.  The main alter of all the other temples on the island faces Mt Agung and the Mother Temple.

Prayers in the Mother Temple Before the eruption


The Eruption of Mt Agung

  The eruption of Mt Agung, on the island of Bali in mid September, 2017, caused some to wonder what was happening on this special, mystical, and magical island of Bali.

     In addition their comes the question, 'Is there a relationships of the eruption to all the chaos, dis-ease and darkness that is in the world today?'


Mt Agung -- (Mid Sept 2017)

     The Balinese live each day with a deep connection with the two worlds . . .  the physical and the spiritual. Thus when David saw the face in the smoke of the face of the spirit of Mt Agung,  he instantly knew this was far more then the eruption of another volcano. 


    So he contacted Made, (pronounced Ma-da), the son of the family in Bali who adopted him in 1991, when he lived with the family for ten years as he learned to walk the inner path of peace from his heart like the Balinese people do. 

     Made simple clear response was, "The Earth is healing and returning to balance."

The Yin and Yang of the Energy of Life

      To understand what 'The Earth is healing and returning to balance' means it's necessary to examine the energy principles of life.

     The Balinese understand that everything in the universe is created from the same energy from the same source.  All energies have two aspects, light/dark, masculine/feminine, negative/positive, etc.  In all energy is in constant motion to maintain balance.

      The black and white symbol of the Yin and Yang represent the balanced energy of life. 

          Watching the universe it is clear that everything in the universe operates in harmony with the energy of life . . . except humans. 

With our thoughts words and actions we created our personal universe. Because the collective is focused on the negative there has become more darkness in our life and in turn on the earth,    which creates my chaos and disease in the people and the earth. 

     Because people have egos they each feel they are right and the other person is wrong. As a result we living by  pointing our finger at those who do not support our way of thinking. 

     This created the battle in our mind of good verses evil. 


     Yet there can be no battle between good and evil for good never does battle. For there are three finger pointing back at the person doing the pointing.  Thus it is evil doing battle with itself.  

     This never-ending battle creates more darkness in the people and thus on the earth. For only light of inner eace and love that is free of all judgements can overcome the darkness in the people and the earth.

           The Arrival of the New Energy 

                  of Balance and Light

     130 to 160 million years ago when two massive objects, which were near the center of the universe, collied and self destructed.

     The energy from the impact headed out into the universe. On Sept 16, 2017 the first wave reached the earth.

     The  energy of the wave is made up of a balance of gold, (pure masculine energy), and a balance of silver, and platinum, (pure feminine energy). Thus the energy is the balance of the Yin and Yang which is bringing more light onto the earth.

     This balance of the masculine and feminine energy, is already beginning to overcome the darkness of the earth and the people. 

As the Earth becomes lighter there will be more light which will overcome the darkness in those who are ready to make the shift from the duality and fear patterns of their heads to peace and oneness of the energy of their hearts.

     Thoes who do not make the shift will continue to add darkness and dis-ease till they make the shft of they implode.

          The Balinese Physical/Spiritual Journey 

    A few day after the arrival of the new energy Mt Agung began to smoke and erupt. One day as David was reading the news he saw  in the photos of the eruption the image of Naga Basukih the mystical Balinese Dragon coming out of the top of Mt Agung. 

   To David the image of Naga was a confirmation that with the arrival of the new energy Naga was awakening and coming out of it's cave which is located high above the Mother Temple near the top of Mt Agung.

     The name Mt Agung means The High Doorway which connect the physical and spiritual worlds . . . . the physical realm of duality of the ego and the mind and the spiritual realm of unity, balance and oneness with the energy life.

      As the gate keeper the dragon's role is to open the gate to the garden of heaven on Earth for those who have completed the journey from living in the realm of duality and fear and are now ready to live in the realm of the oneness of inner peace and balance that is free of all judgements and fears.  

      The dragon also keeps those who are not ready to enter the garden from entering.


     David remember how one day in 2013 he had been  at the temple of Pura Watu Klotok, the temple of the Dragon which is located South of Mt Agung on the beach.

    The Balinese believe that the dragon is also the protector of the physical earth and the waters of the oceans. Without land to live on and water to drink we could not live on Earth. 

     During the day he flies down to the temple on the beach, that we were just at, to play in the ocean. At sunset Naga returns to the mountain.

     The ceremony in the temple was to help us deepen our connection of living in oneness with the energy of life. 

     As we were leaving the parking area, he saw in the clouds the shape of a large Balinese Dragon — Naga. The present of Naga was as if to say, "You passed.'

     The symbol of the dragon is often a major symbol in many of the temples in Bali.


                                 It's Time to Choose

               Which world do I want to live in?

         One day a new image appeared in the smoke from Mt Agung. David could not remember any Balinese meaning related to this image. As he reflected on the figure he sensed it was the image of a person walking through the high doorway into the physical spiritual Garden of Heaven on Earth.

Bali volcano update: Steam rising from Agung

     This image to him was to signal that now is the time to make the decision — do you want to continue to live in the dark energy of duality and judgements of your ego and mind. 

     Or do you want to move into the light of inner peace and love. The happy person knows that the game of life is simply to be played. If you try to win the game life will be filled with stress and disease. 

The shift has begun

     Sine the middle of September and the arrival of more light the darkness is being overcome. As a result the masculine dominance of the men and women of the world is being exposed of their physical and sexual abuse of others. 

     Many have been exposed and removed from their power positions. In addition the dark side of governments as well as business are being exposed.  

     Each day more and more of the dark side of the collective are also being exposed to the new light and the earth as well as the people are being to carry more light.  

     Looking forward . . . if your want to find and live in peace it is getting easier and easier to simply give up your fears to the energy of life. Then open your heart and the path of peace will open with in you as your Yin and Yang will be balance with the new Yin and Yang of the energy of life will guide you. 

     As you walk thought the event in love that is free of all fears and judgements of yourself and others you will be at peace . . . as the light of creation will bring balance to the darkness that you are walking through.

A Key to Live By

   To love means
   no one is hurt
    by your thoughts,
    words or actions.

Freedom means 
to be free of all fears

              Wisdom photos to remind you 
of how to walk the inner path of peace

 Visit our Twitter account for wisdoms for peace.

     Enjoy the  journey for it is why we cane to earth.

      With Love,

      David and Pam



Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Post Nine - Bali is an Island of Calm................ surrounded by a sea of chaos.

                                        Peace on earth begins within me.

Bali Temple Prayers for Peace
April 22, 2010. As my wife, Pam and I stepped out of the airport terminal in Denpasar, Bali we both stopped and took a deep breath. Immediately a smile of warmth and joy radiated from all the cells of our bodies. Looking at each other, we both had the same awareness. There was a new gentle peacefulness radiating all around us.
The previous year when we visited Bali it appeared that all was in chaos. The streets were gridlocked with cars, trucks, motorbikes and people. Each was focused on getting ahead of those in front of them. When we walked through Ubud the streets had been lined with transports. 

The drivers were standing on the sidewalk hustling the tourist to hire them. Walking through the market, the shopkeepers were aggressively trying to sell their things. It was clear that Bali was moving into the western model of life.......ego and I'ness. Still at the same time, the soft energy and activities of the temples was like being part of a quiet collective meditation. The priests no longer rang their bell during the prayers. If they did it was a soft gentle ringing simply to keep the cadence of the five-part prayer for the worshipers. 

As we continued our drive to our home in Sayan my thoughts returned to the present time. We noticed that the cars, busses, trucks and motorbikes were all in a line. They were flowing as one, like a gentle stream of energy along the highways of Bali. It was as if the soft meditative energy of the temples of last year now covered the island and was radiating from the people of Bali.

The next evening we visited Gero Mangku Kabayan. He was the healer priest who I met in 1992 and had initiated and guided me though my six-year initiation into the Ancient Spiritual Mysteries. My question to him was, what’s happened in Bali since last year? His reply was, Bali is calm. He then added, all of the rest of Indonesia, Thailand and other countries of South East Asia are struggling and fighting within themselves and with each other. 

This will continued for a while. In time, the Bali energy will begin to flow out over the area and they too will become calm. My next question was, what about the US? His reply was, the ups and downs will continue for a while. In time, they too will find balance. All life must return to balance.

The following afternoon we went into Ubud. As we drove through the village, we were amazed over the differences from last year. The streets were no longer crowed with vehicles. The transports were not lining the curbs. The drivers were gentle in their offering of transportation. When visiting the markets the shopkeepers no longer continued to try to get us to buy after we said, no thank you. 
One day we were up in the mountains at Lake Bratan. Over the past few years this had been a place of major chaos as the Chinese and the Muslims were struggling to take over the village. This time when we entered the village and the market they were radiating only love. 

 It was clear that the Muslim, Balinese and the Chinese were all living and working in harmony with each other. The Market had returned to it old playful experience. Pam words said it all, this tells us, we all can live and work in harmony and love for each other

As our annual 30-day visit continued it became clear that the new energy had also brought change in all the temples of the island.  The primary temple of Pura Besakih, which previously had strong masculine energy, now carried a softer Divine Masculine Energy.  The temple of Ulun Danu Batur, which had weak feminine energy, now carried a strong Divine Feminine Energy.  It was as if the two temples were now balanced in Sacred Union with each other. To honor this shift the priests were now rebuilding both temples to make them equal partners in their presence and power. 

One morning after my meditation my thoughts drifted through my past observations of Bali in relationship to the big shift of the 21st c. During the mid 90’s, when I was living in Bali, I became aware that a new energy had arrived. To me it was the energy of mother earth and father sky united in Sacred Union. The energy had a similar vibration, as the kundalini energy when it rises within me, except it was many times more powerful. 

As the kundalini energy of mother earth and father sky began to cover Bali the people reacted as they do when their personal kundalini energy begins to rise. When it rises it brings all our negative patterns of life to the surface to be healed.  If we do not heal them we go into chaos and spiritual crises. When we heal the patterns by transforming them to love, we move into an inner state of peace and calmness.

As a result with the arrival of the new earth energy, the people of Bali began to struggle with their egos. The young people lost their connection to their culture and the earth as they left the rice fields to work in the new resorts and businesses. TVs, cars and other physical possessions became paramount. Next came the economic collapse of the country. The government and world banks took over control of the major banks and the major companies causing an economic crisis. In the late 90‘s the people of Indonesia overthrew the government twice. With the unrest followed by 9 11 even fewer tourists came to Bali. The economy continued to decline.

Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.  
To find peace in the outer world we must first find peace in our inner world.

Next came the first Bali bombing. It looked like Bali was entering into the time of the battle between good and evil just as the US had done after 9 11. I called Kabayan the next morning to find out what had happened. It’s OK, he replied. The bombing tells us the Tao of Bali is out of balance. There is more bad energy then good energy on the island. To do battle with the bombers would add more energy imbalance. We will be doing the highest ceremony of prayers and offering for peace and balance each night for the next 30 nights. This will bring more good energy onto to the island and re balance the Tao.

Then came the second bombing. Again the Balinese responded with, The Tao of Bali is still out of balance. We need more purifying of the island and ourselves. They immediately began another 30 days of highest ceremonies to bring the Tao back into balance. 

The ancient symbol of the fully balanced  and empowered 
masculine and feminine energy of a  
physical spiritual being 
in their Heart.

Gradually the balanced energy began to flow from the people and joined with the new balanced energy of mother earth and father sky. As we travel though Bali on our current trip it was clear, the people of Bali have move beyond the chaos and are walking the new balanced path of inner peace through the Sacred Union of the masculine and the feminine. This peace now radiates out making Bali an island of Calm in a world of chaos.

This shift of energy reinforces the Sanskrit meaning of the word Bali--the power is within--when it is purified. In addition to the many names of Bali such as The Island of The Gods, The Morning of The World, The Navel of The Earth, The Land of Magic, The Lost Paradise, and The Garden of Eden a new name has been added.  Bali is now The Spiritual Way Shower of the path to peace for the 21st c.

One morning Pam and I were talking about what was happening in Bali. Nuadi, the man who takes care of our home stood beside us and listened. He then in his Balinese way summarized this entire story with his simple yet very powerful and clear model of life.

We are here to learn to live in peace.
When things are in front of us that we do not like
We do not get angry or push them away.
We reach out and put our arms around them.
We then pull them into our heart.
                                                  Wayan Nuadi
On our long flight back to America Pam reminded me that for the past 10 years we have based our relationship and our Marriage on the Balinese Model of Sacred Union within and between us. The Calm in Bali and the calm and peace in our relationship says, the Balinese Model of Sacred Union to balance the Tao within and around us works. 

As we reintegrated back into America the essence of our journey became clear. Bali is truly the navel of the earth. The energy and chaos that was in Bali is now spreading to the rest of the world. In time the healing energy of the calm of Bali will also spread to the rest of the world. Our role is to hold our center in Never Ending Love, without any judgments, towards all of life. By understanding and living the Balinese model of purifying the power that is within, we each can begin to create our personal island of calm within and around us, without having to go to Bali.  In time we will join with other islands of calm, as the peace continues to spread across the country and around the world.

When our inner world is at peace so will our outer world be.

Friday, November 16, 2012


9/11 and our world came crashing down with the World Trade Center towers. Instantly the world dropped to their knees in prayer for those who died and for those who suffered the loss.  Immediately the focus on the I shifted to a focus on the WE as each became involved in helping others. 

Unfortunately this WE-ness of life soon shifted back to the I-ness of life and in many ways the I-ness became even more intense.  At the same time the focus became one of responding with force against the terrorist. We all know how that has worked out for us and the world.

One year later there was a major bomb blast in Indonesia on the island of Bali. Because the Balinese live from their hearts their response was totally was the outcome.

The Bali way --- to Respond with only Love

Bali...October 12, 2002: A bomb went off in the tourist district of Kuta on the Island of Bali. The attack was the deadliest act of terrorism in the history of Indonesia according the the police general. 202 killed, 240 injured.

The next day as we dealt with our anger and our fears that it would no longer be safe to travel to Bali, we called Bali to learn what was happening. The message from Kabayan was that everything was OK. They felt the bombing was to tell them that the energy of the Tao of Bali was out of balance. There is more negative energy then positive energy on the island.

He went on to share that then had taken care of those injured and the authorities were investigating. To bring balance back to the energy of the island, beginning that night they would be doing prayers in all the temples to bring more peace into the hearts of the Balinese.  These prayers would continue till the energy was balanced.

Balinese prayer and ceremony for inner and outer peace

The symbol of the Tao on the floor of a Balinese temple

The Tao is the symbol of balanced energy of life. 

After the call we sat and reflected on the Balinese secret of life that they were honoring.
When the dark energy increases the light energy must decrease. This creates imbalance and chaos. When this happens there are two possible responses to the message.

The most typical response is to judge the event as negative and to declare war on the dark energy it has physically manifested. This is called the battle between good and evil. The Balinese know that good never does battle for it is simply light energy. All energy that is doing battle is dark and will intensifies the dark and thus increase the chaos.

The Balinese know that their outer world is simply a reflection of their inner world. When there is chaos in their outer world it is a reflection of the chaos in their inner world.The only way to change their outer world is to first change their inner world from dark to light energy.

As the prayers continued, the days soon turned into weeks, months and even years as the dalily focus and prayers of balance contined.

Prayers in the Mother Temple

Bali...October 1, 2005. A second bombing occurred at two sites on Jimbaron Beach in Kuta. Report cited 20 plus dead and between 101 to 129 injured.  Once again as the authorities searched for the terrorist the Balinese responded by taking care of the casualties and leaving the government to finding the terrorist.

When they had done all that they could they returned to their temples and continued their personal prayers to balance themselves for the bombing was again a message that they were still out of balance.

Living in the calm watching the rice grow

Bali....One day between Christmas and New Year 2009, everyone awoke on the island with the awareness that Bali was calm.  The Tao had been rebalanced.

Check back often for 
Up coming posts:

Post Nine - Bali and Island of Calm in a Sea of Chaos.
Post Ten - Living the Balinese Model of Peace
Post Eleven - Transforming Fear to Peace.


Saturday, November 10, 2012


By Pam Cooper

Today in our morning meditation I received a message that life is a mediation.  As these words came to me there were hawks calling from both east and west.  The calling went on and off for a long time. I would open my eyes briefly and it would start up again.  I know that hawk is the messenger and knew it was time to listen.  There was so much energy around this that I could not deny it.  They continued this until I went and got my laptop computer and started writing the words that was coming to me.

Life is a meditation when you become the witness of your thoughts, emotions, actions and reactions to life.  It is a state of being and allows one to observe the interplay of your inner and outer worlds.  In this witness state I can be more aware of my inner world which allows me to make certain choices before the outer world decides to give you a thump on the head.

Recently, I observed a reaction of jealousy and envy to a success of a friend.  My ego was asking me questions like why can’t you do that.  The ego kept grinding away at me.  You should do this or that.  Why don’t you do more?  What’s wrong with you?  

Each morning David and I always share our dreams, awareness, and wisdoms.  I shared with him that I had a tinge of jealousy and envy when I read about a friend’s success.  It was a fleeting moment, but there it was none-the-less.  I thought how petty to not be able to celebrate someone’s success and realizing that was not who I want to be even for a fleeting moment.  

As we talked I realized that I did not want to put the time and energy into becoming that kind of success that I saw in this individual.  The reason being was that was not really what I wanted to do.  Further more, it was not who I am.

Each day is a new beginning

 I now know the importance of truly understanding who you are as well as the clarity of purpose for this lifetime.  It gave me strength to withstand the pressures of the ego.  Once I realized this is not who I am or what I wanted to do with my life it diffused the chatter of the ego and I was once again back into my heart and on my own unique path for my journey.  The stress and the anxiety left my body, the mind was silent, and I was at peace again.

Gratitude returned as my Magic Heart opened and I returned to living in a state of harmony with the perfection of life.  Life is a mediation of constant observation of the inner and outer world and it gave me the opportunity for tweaking my course.  



First light of dawn from our porch in Bali

One morning in Bali, we were sitting on the porch having breakfast.  Our conversation was about our explorations of the Spiritual Energy of Bali and how everyone in Bali lived in and from their hearts.

As we finished breakfast Wayan, the Balinese man who was the caretaker of the house for the people who owned it, came to take our dishes back to the kitchen. He listened to our conversation for a moment as he waited for us to pause so he could clear the table.

When we paused he looked at us and smiles as he spoke. "why do you spend so much time talking about life. To Balinese life is very simply. We have one way to live." With that he put down his tray and looked into our hearts as he spoke.

We are here to learn how to live.

When things are in front of us that we do not like
We do not get angry or push them way.

We reach out and put our arms around them 
as we pull them into our heart.

With the final sentence he stretched his arms out as if to surround the fear. He them pulled it into his heart. A soft beautiful smile of peace filled his face and radiated from his entire body. Without another word, for no words were necessary, he picked up his tray, cleared the table and returned to the kitchen to finish his morning kitchen duties.

After he left we sat in silence reflecting on the beauty and simplicity of his wisdom and how he truly lived it. In three simple sentences he had captured the concept of transforming fear to love and moving from the pain and chaos of the duality of life to the state of peace, Unity and Oneness of life.  

...........another step on the path of life

As we continued our travels and exploration of Bali it became clearer and clearer that this is the model that everyone in Bali lives. There is no duality of judgement over events for all events are witnessed  from the state of Unity and Oneness from within their Magic Hearts. Each time we used the model it became easier and easier to make the transformational shift from the duality of fear to the Unity and Oneness of Love. 

With this simply yet powerful moment our decision was re-made to focus totally on living in our Magic Hearts....every day all day.

Thank you Bali for this model and persona has brought us both to a deeper and lasting state of inner and outer peace. 

Each day becomes  more and more obvious that peace is an inside job. 
Until we are able to live without pointing our finger at others as the cause of the pain 
the person pointing will continue to live in pain and dis-ease.

Pam and David