Friday, October 19, 2012

Post Two - WHY BALI

Whenever the name of Bali is mentioned it elitists a response of an image of an Island of Paradise, the Garden of Eden and even the dream of what it would be like to live in heaven on earth.   When you have visited Bali there is the awareness that Bali is truly an island of peace and calm surrounded by a sea of chaos. 
(The Golden Phoenix Rising)

Throughout the island the Balinese, Javanese, Muslims, Chinese, Christians and others all live in harmony from their hearts. What better role models so model our life after is you are seeking to live in peace.

(Lake Buyan)

When many imagine Bali as a Garden of Eden, where they see nature at its finest with beautiful flowers and fruit growing without effort. People are living in harmony with nature and each other on their island of calm.

(Flowers are a  symbol of their connection to God and their ancestors)          

(Temple Ulu Danau, Lake Bratan)

When a Balinese is asked, "What is the purpose of life," they all have a similar answer.

To live a good enough life so that when I die I will be instantly reborn as a Balinese.  If I lead a really good life I will be instantly reborn into the same village and if it is a really, really good life I will be reborn into the same family compound.

(Prayers in the Family Temple)

Even though we say that the Balinese belief is to be of service first to God, then family and then community, in reality their spiritual life is so intertwined with family and community it can not be separated.  They simply see the reflection of God in all that is, thus in service to other is in fact service to God.

(Cloves drying on the lower roof of the home of a Balinese)

We all have been expecting the "Big Shift" of 2012 that was to bring peace. It is not what we first thought or of what many have written about.  It has not passed us by. Bali is an island of consciousness that tells us that the shift has happened for them and it is now spreading to the entire world.

For our experience the Bali model for peace works in Bali and in our  life. 

We invite you to come along on this journey and discover where these steps will take you in your personal journey to peace and self-discovery.  Even though we can not see what is around the corner trust that all is in Divine Order.

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