Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Naga Basuki - Mt Agung - Eruption

    Naga Basuki the Dragon

           and the Opening of 

                  the High Doorway on Mt Agung

                        to a new era of the energy of life

                               as the Big  Shift from 

                                        Head to Heart begins.

                                                                 By David Cooper

The big shift into a new era on Earth has begun

     David has always read between the lines of a story and then puts the pieces together with other stories and wisdoms in such a way that a different and often times deeper conclusion is reached. 

     With this background he has explored the eruption of Mt Agung, the primary sacred Mountain on the Island of Bali.  Located near the top of the Mountain is the Mother Temple . . . the highest spiritual temple on the island.  The main alter of all the other temples on the island faces Mt Agung and the Mother Temple.

Prayers in the Mother Temple Before the eruption


The Eruption of Mt Agung

  The eruption of Mt Agung, on the island of Bali in mid September, 2017, caused some to wonder what was happening on this special, mystical, and magical island of Bali.

     In addition their comes the question, 'Is there a relationships of the eruption to all the chaos, dis-ease and darkness that is in the world today?'


Mt Agung -- (Mid Sept 2017)

     The Balinese live each day with a deep connection with the two worlds . . .  the physical and the spiritual. Thus when David saw the face in the smoke of the face of the spirit of Mt Agung,  he instantly knew this was far more then the eruption of another volcano. 


    So he contacted Made, (pronounced Ma-da), the son of the family in Bali who adopted him in 1991, when he lived with the family for ten years as he learned to walk the inner path of peace from his heart like the Balinese people do. 

     Made simple clear response was, "The Earth is healing and returning to balance."

The Yin and Yang of the Energy of Life

      To understand what 'The Earth is healing and returning to balance' means it's necessary to examine the energy principles of life.

     The Balinese understand that everything in the universe is created from the same energy from the same source.  All energies have two aspects, light/dark, masculine/feminine, negative/positive, etc.  In all energy is in constant motion to maintain balance.

      The black and white symbol of the Yin and Yang represent the balanced energy of life. 

          Watching the universe it is clear that everything in the universe operates in harmony with the energy of life . . . except humans. 

With our thoughts words and actions we created our personal universe. Because the collective is focused on the negative there has become more darkness in our life and in turn on the earth,    which creates my chaos and disease in the people and the earth. 

     Because people have egos they each feel they are right and the other person is wrong. As a result we living by  pointing our finger at those who do not support our way of thinking. 

     This created the battle in our mind of good verses evil. 


     Yet there can be no battle between good and evil for good never does battle. For there are three finger pointing back at the person doing the pointing.  Thus it is evil doing battle with itself.  

     This never-ending battle creates more darkness in the people and thus on the earth. For only light of inner eace and love that is free of all judgements can overcome the darkness in the people and the earth.

           The Arrival of the New Energy 

                  of Balance and Light

     130 to 160 million years ago when two massive objects, which were near the center of the universe, collied and self destructed.

     The energy from the impact headed out into the universe. On Sept 16, 2017 the first wave reached the earth.

     The  energy of the wave is made up of a balance of gold, (pure masculine energy), and a balance of silver, and platinum, (pure feminine energy). Thus the energy is the balance of the Yin and Yang which is bringing more light onto the earth.

     This balance of the masculine and feminine energy, is already beginning to overcome the darkness of the earth and the people. 

As the Earth becomes lighter there will be more light which will overcome the darkness in those who are ready to make the shift from the duality and fear patterns of their heads to peace and oneness of the energy of their hearts.

     Thoes who do not make the shift will continue to add darkness and dis-ease till they make the shft of they implode.

          The Balinese Physical/Spiritual Journey 

    A few day after the arrival of the new energy Mt Agung began to smoke and erupt. One day as David was reading the news he saw  in the photos of the eruption the image of Naga Basukih the mystical Balinese Dragon coming out of the top of Mt Agung. 

   To David the image of Naga was a confirmation that with the arrival of the new energy Naga was awakening and coming out of it's cave which is located high above the Mother Temple near the top of Mt Agung.

     The name Mt Agung means The High Doorway which connect the physical and spiritual worlds . . . . the physical realm of duality of the ego and the mind and the spiritual realm of unity, balance and oneness with the energy life.

      As the gate keeper the dragon's role is to open the gate to the garden of heaven on Earth for those who have completed the journey from living in the realm of duality and fear and are now ready to live in the realm of the oneness of inner peace and balance that is free of all judgements and fears.  

      The dragon also keeps those who are not ready to enter the garden from entering.


     David remember how one day in 2013 he had been  at the temple of Pura Watu Klotok, the temple of the Dragon which is located South of Mt Agung on the beach.

    The Balinese believe that the dragon is also the protector of the physical earth and the waters of the oceans. Without land to live on and water to drink we could not live on Earth. 

     During the day he flies down to the temple on the beach, that we were just at, to play in the ocean. At sunset Naga returns to the mountain.

     The ceremony in the temple was to help us deepen our connection of living in oneness with the energy of life. 

     As we were leaving the parking area, he saw in the clouds the shape of a large Balinese Dragon — Naga. The present of Naga was as if to say, "You passed.'

     The symbol of the dragon is often a major symbol in many of the temples in Bali.


                                 It's Time to Choose

               Which world do I want to live in?

         One day a new image appeared in the smoke from Mt Agung. David could not remember any Balinese meaning related to this image. As he reflected on the figure he sensed it was the image of a person walking through the high doorway into the physical spiritual Garden of Heaven on Earth.

Bali volcano update: Steam rising from Agung

     This image to him was to signal that now is the time to make the decision — do you want to continue to live in the dark energy of duality and judgements of your ego and mind. 

     Or do you want to move into the light of inner peace and love. The happy person knows that the game of life is simply to be played. If you try to win the game life will be filled with stress and disease. 

The shift has begun

     Sine the middle of September and the arrival of more light the darkness is being overcome. As a result the masculine dominance of the men and women of the world is being exposed of their physical and sexual abuse of others. 

     Many have been exposed and removed from their power positions. In addition the dark side of governments as well as business are being exposed.  

     Each day more and more of the dark side of the collective are also being exposed to the new light and the earth as well as the people are being to carry more light.  

     Looking forward . . . if your want to find and live in peace it is getting easier and easier to simply give up your fears to the energy of life. Then open your heart and the path of peace will open with in you as your Yin and Yang will be balance with the new Yin and Yang of the energy of life will guide you. 

     As you walk thought the event in love that is free of all fears and judgements of yourself and others you will be at peace . . . as the light of creation will bring balance to the darkness that you are walking through.

A Key to Live By

   To love means
   no one is hurt
    by your thoughts,
    words or actions.

Freedom means 
to be free of all fears

              Wisdom photos to remind you 
of how to walk the inner path of peace

 Visit our Twitter account for wisdoms for peace.

     Enjoy the  journey for it is why we cane to earth.

      With Love,

      David and Pam