Friday, November 9, 2012



When asked what was the name of our Balinese teacher people are often surprised with our answer. The Balinese model of life is not a mental or written model.  It is a way of life where the energy of life is the teacher. 

To help you explore their model of the energy of life as your teacher, we share some of the very basic principles that control life. When you have learned how to identify, and live in harmony with theses principles you will then live in harmony with life....... Peace.

The journey from head to heart is a physical spiritual journey  
up the steps back to the Garden of enlightenment and peace.

There is One Supreme God who is the Creator of all that is.
The primary purpose of life is to be in service to God.
Our role is to honor everything and everyone as an aspect of God manifested on earth.

All life is made up of energy
All energy follows our thoughts, words and actions
All energy is in constant motion as it seeks to return to balance.

All energy that we project out come back to us ten fold.
When we give love - love comes back 
When we give fear - fear comes back

When we live in harmony with the energy of life we are at peace.
When we live in dis-harony with life the message is we are not in our heart.
When we return to living in our heart, peace returns in our life.

The key is..........walk it,don't just talk it.

Each morning I have a choice to live the day in Love or Fear
Today I choose only love.

Remember, peace on earth is an inside job. Nearly 4 millions people on the Island of Bali live in their hearts as they walk this path of peace each day. In addition our life is also one of peace, which says, you do not need to live in Bali to find Peace......simply give up all judgements and duality as you live in your heart in unity and harmony with the energy of life and you will live in peace.

Love and peace to all,

Pam and David

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