Friday, November 2, 2012


Nov. 2. 2012


                     By David

I had a dream last night that the entire country was experiencing what is happening in New York and New Jersey. People were running out of food, the power was off, their homes were destroyed and there was no gasoline or means of transportation. Many were fighting in the streets for survival.  I awoke in a fit, feeling that with all the political and economic chaos in this country and the world this could truly happen through out America at any moment.

Getting up to quiet my mind, I processed the dream as to what it could mean to me and to the country.  Gradually there came an image of Jesus walking on the water surrounded by a giant storm.

(Jesus walks on water, by Ivan Aivazovsky - 1888)

I remembered the story......In the midst of the storm and the darkness of the night the disciples became fearful.  The more fearful they became the more intense the storm became. Looking at the horizon they saw Jesus walking on the sea. They were even more frightened, thinking they were seeing a spirit, but Jesus told them not to be afraid as he asked the question, do you not trust me? They were reassured as Jesus calmed the storm and entered the boat. They then sailed peacefully to the other shore.

Instantly a question, as if from beyond me, resounded in my mind.  Why are you afraid? Do you no longer Trust God?

(To read the entire story of the Photo - Trust  God - visit Trust God)

A deep feeling of peace and understanding filled me as I remembered the recent sign of the UFO shaped cloud that God manifested over my head on the beach one night as a reminder that everything was going to be OK…..I only had to let go of control and my fears and Trust God

With a deep inner peace I returned to bed. Sleep came instantly.

Later that morning, in sharing my dream with Pam, we took a moment to reflect on the dream. Our wisdom was that yes, there is chaos and fear in the world today.  Because we live in Florida we simply looked at the political and economic chaos like we did each summer as we prepare for the possible arrival of a hurricane. 

We both agreed that because of my dream it was time to review our checklist of things we need to take care of in our personal life in case the political and economic storm that is affecting the world arrives in our neighborhood and our life.

Completing our check list review we knew we had taken care of the details to protect ourselves and our property. We were ready. We then went back to doing what we do each day......being a light house of love....Trusting and Serving God......

.............knowing that things always work out for us when we respond only in Love without judgments to all that is happening to and around us. 
We will be soon posting our next post 
as we share how this model relates to 
the Balinese Model for Peace.

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